We are Experts at raising
TAMUK Rabbits in the San Joaquin Valley

Perfect for our hot climate here in the
Central Valley of California.
Get your Fresno Tamuk Rabbit TODAY!

The Details

Discover the gentle giants of the rabbit world! Tamuk Rabbits are known for their calm temperament, beautiful coats, and sturdy builds. These friendly bunnies make wonderful companions for families and first-time rabbit owners.TAMUK rabbits are a composite breed developed by Texas A&M University-Kingsville (hence the name).
They were specifically designed to thrive in hotter climates like here in Central California.

Key characteristics of TAMUK rabbits include:

  • Heat Tolerance: Their genetic makeup, a combination of several breeds, provides exceptional resistance to high temperatures.

  • Hardy and Vigorous: TAMUKs are known for their robust health and strong constitution.

  • High Production: They are prolific breeders and efficient converters of feed, making them suitable for meat production.

  • They are bred for gentleness and are good pets. Other rabbits suffer (often to death) in our heat. Get yourself a rabbit that is made for the Central Valley!

Frequently Asked Questions

What temperature do rabbits tolerate?
Up to 85 degrees F for most breeds. Tamuk op to 100 degrees. Both can go 15 degrees higher but it is better to help them with fans, misters, shade, coolers, etc. Rabbits can tolerate cold easily.
Are males or females better pets?
Males are more even tempered.
At what age do rabbits breed?
About 3 months. Gestation is 4 weeks. Often their first litter does poorly. After that they are excellent mothers.
For a homesteader what age to butcher?
At 10-12 weeks the young will be 5# and yield 2-3# of tender meat.

Get yours today!

If you're looking for a rabbit breed that can withstand the hot weather conditions that we face here in the valley, and is well-suited for meat production, TAMUK rabbits might be an excellent choice. Contact us today for info!

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